Sundays at 8:30 am & 11 am, Tyler Campus | 10:30 am, Hawkins Campus 

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Tested and Found True

February 21, 2021 Series: The Covenant Fulfilled

Topic: Faith Passage: Psalm 25:1–10, Genesis 22:1–18, James 1:12–18, Mark 1:9–16

Yes, God's Word promises that He will not test you more than you can endure (1 Corinthians 10:13).  But we also see in Scripture that He often tests His children AS MUCH AS they can endure.  Abraham was tested by Yahweh's command to sacrifice his son Isaac, unexplainedly to lose, it would seem, his one heir through whom must come God's previous promises.  What is even more unexplainable is that Abraham's act merely prefigured the sacrificial act of THE Father Himself, sacrificing His own Son for you, then raising Him from  death.  As you (like Abraham) face severe tests for your faith, know (like Abraham) that the God who tests you has Himself been perfectly faithful in His own "test" of His love for you.

More in The Covenant Fulfilled

April 4, 2021

The Garden Tomb

March 21, 2021

Forgiveness with a Following

March 14, 2021

Poisoned with Pardon