Sundays at 8:30 am & 11 am, Tyler Campus | 10:30 am, Hawkins Campus 

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Our senior ministry provides Christian fellowship to disciples of Trinity Lutheran Church and their friends, age 55 and above, for new and continuing friendships through social, religious, service and community activities.

The main emphasis of this ministry is fellowship through the sharing of a meal that is either provided by a potluck or catered luncheon, or by an outing in the local community of Tyler. In addition, we may have a program of interest with a guest speaker, playing of games, or the White Elephant exchange at Christmas.

At the present time, we support the Bible Markers’ Ministry and Sermons on DVD and CD’s to our shut-ins and give support to the Heart to Heart Visitation program. We also send cards to all of our shut-ins monthly, on birthdays, holidays or other special occasions.

Our yearly fundraiser (in conjunction with the Youth Ministry) is a Garage Sale, held in mid April. The profits from the sale are shared equally between the two ministries. The fund raiser proceeds help us support the ministries mentioned above, and to cover expenses of any social gathering of the group.

We meet the first Tuesday of each month at 10:30 am in the church Fellowship Hall, unless a special outing is planned elsewhere. Contact Terry Burch for more information.