Sundays at 8:30 am & 11 am, Tyler Campus | 10:30 am, Hawkins Campus 

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What to Expect on Sunday

What to expect on Sunday

There’s a reason why you’re visiting this site.  There may be several.  But here’s the most important one - the Lord has led you here!  And why would He do that?  Because He wants you to experience the very best both in this life and in eternity.  That’s why He’s given us His Son, Jesus, to be our Savior!

In everything we say and do, we want you to see Jesus.  His grace.  His life-changing power.  His true and certain promises.  His forgiving love.

That’s really our sole purpose for being here.  Why don’t you come by and let us get to know you?  We’re not perfect people.  Not by a long shot.  But we are united and dependant on the perfect sacrifice that Jesus made on your and our behalf.  And that changes everything!



Order/Flow of Services

Our traditional services follow a liturgical structure.  There are Bible readings, prayers, chanted portions with spoken and sung responses.  There are printed orders-of-service and songs from a hymnal.  These portions are also tastefully projected on screens to help those less familiar with the service.  Music includes a pipe organ, handbells, choirs and the like.

Our Ignite contemporary service is more free-flowing.  There are Bible readings and prayers, but with more extended times of music.  The service flow is more casual.  The music is led by a worship team that includes guitars, drums, keyboard, and vocalists.  You can easily follow instructions and wording on the projection screens.  


Children are welcome and encouraged to worship with their families.  Yeah, we know they talk and move around a lot, but that’s where they learn how worship works.  We’ll take kids wiggling in worship over no kids in worship any day.

At the same time, there may very well be times when you want to take advantage of our nursery care for children up through age 3.  Ushers can direct you to room B4 in our children’s ministry building.  It is available during all worship services (8:30 & 11:00am) and the education hour (9:50am).  Our nursery is staffed with trained, adult, child-care professionals.   


In the contemporary service, you can pick up a Bible from the book cart that is in front of the door as you enter the gym.  In the sanctuary, Bibles can be found in the pew-back in front of you. 

Collection / Offering

As our guest, please don’t feel any obligation to give.  Your presence is gift enough.  Really.  The offering is for members and regular worshippers who want to help support our ministry efforts - both local and far away.  During this time, we do ask you to fill out an attendance card. 

Bible Classes and Sunday School during the Education Hour

At 9:50 am, there are classes for all ages from nursery to adults.  

Children's ministry Sunday school classes are offered for nursery/toddlers. PreK 3 & 4 yr olds, elementary classes (K-4th) start with a large group setting and then split for small groups. Preteen (5&6th) have their own class and middle and high school classes meet upstairs in the Youth Loft. There are multiple adult classes that offer a variety of options for disciples to continue to grow in thier faith.   

Finding out more about Trinity or membership

About 3 times a year, the pastor, staff, or a lay leader teaches an 8-week “New to Trinity” class.  It’s an overview of our church’s beliefs and our congregations particular emphases.  It’s also the best chance for the pastor and staff to get to know you and for you to interact with them.  For more information, contact Cindy Saddler in the church office.   

Other details

  • Wheelchairs are available.  Just ask one of the greeters or ushers.
  • There are infant changing stations in both the men’s and women’s restrooms.
  • Our weekly bulletin contains basic information and scheduling for various ministries. 
  • Contact the church office with any other questions or for more information.