Sundays at 8:30 am & 11 am, Tyler Campus | 10:30 am, Hawkins Campus 

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Serve Our Community

Trinity's Disaster Response Team 

For the past 6-7 years, Trinity's Disaster Response Team has been deployed as close as our own community, and as far away as Florida panhandle. We continue to serve as a rapid response team for tornados and hurricanes in areas that can feasibly be served. Our team includes more than 40 men and women from Trinity, Tyler; Giddings, TX; Conroe, TX; Dallas, TX; Denison, TX; Pasadena, TX and Waxahachie, TX.  

Where Is The Lord Leading Us Now??

Communicate the mission  

Moved by God’s love in Jesus, people want to help.  But it’s up to us to share all that the Lord is doing in and through us and then invite them to come alongside.  This can be done through “minute-man” reports at Trinity and in other congregations in Texas. This was the focus at the September 17, 2022, LWML Zone Rally hosted by Trinity-Tyler.


We understand that the ability to deploy on short notice and be gone several days at a time is a luxury that only retirees can afford.   And yet, there are men and women in our circuit and other Texas District congregations who may have interest, as well.  A definite double blessing of being a part of this team is the comradery and lasting relationships which form on each and every work site.

Spiritual Care

This is a facet of our calling which needs additional help, too. Men, women, and young adults can be coached to listen, ask questions and share the reason why we are loving them “with gloves on."  It’s all because God first loved us.  (1 John 4:19)  Isn’t that what all people yearn for?  It’s especially true for people after having suffered, which always accompanies disasters.

Roles To Be Filled

  • Pray for this ministry team! Pray for our safety, our heart to serve as Jesus did, and for those affected by disasters.
  • For those not yet trained and LERT-certified, there are PLENTY of ways to serve! Drivers, working with chainsaw cutters, assisting with brush removal, assessing job sites, administrative support (every job has its paperwork!), apply for grants, and equipment maintenance.
  • Personal contact with homeowners to provide a listening ear, encouragement and prayer.
  • Become chainsaw certified as soon as possible.
  • Be part of the recruitment of volunteers locally and from other congregations. Also, consider contacting other organizations which may feel led to share additional financial resources.


Learn the history of our team here


To learn more about the LCMS Disaster Reponse team click here.  

Pie Ministry

This has been a long standing tradition of Trinity and is enjoyed by all. If you love to bake we have a team of women and men that make over 1,000 pies for the East Texas State Fair booth as well as for Thanksgiving.  If you would like to serve with this group contact the church office. 

Global Missions 

Loving Liberia 

For more information on supporting Loving Liberia click here. Follow on facebook at