Sundays at 8:30 am & 11 am, Tyler Campus | 10:30 am, Hawkins Campus 

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Grace and Taxes

October 22, 2023 Pastor: Karl Winkler Series: Ultimate Authority: Leaders, Laws, Corruption, and Grace

Benjamin Franklin once wrote: “in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” The interesting thing in our gospel reading today is that taxes are the main topic. And just like today, people hated to pay taxes back in Jesus’ time too. But rather than telling people to overthrow the government and rebel against paying taxes, Jesus illustrates that there are things that belong to earthly authorities and there are things that belong to our Heavenly Authority. It is a challenge for us to submit and often we want to criticize and speak ill of those who God has placed in authority over us. However, you and I are called to live out the grace and salvation that has been given to us in Christ remembering that all things are God’s and giving back to Him what He has first given us.

More in Ultimate Authority: Leaders, Laws, Corruption, and Grace

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November 12, 2023

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